You can email Kieran and set up a time to do this.
There will also be an induction form and a fob form that needs to be filled out and signed prior to joining. You can download the form here.
Once you have completed filling out the forms, return them to reception where you will then receive your fob. Your fob will take 24 - 48 hours to activate.
Enjoy Mātātoa Gym!
Check out our group fitness classes, designed to help improve your exercise levels, strength, and overall well-being.
Check out the timetable of our fitness classes below. Join a class on your own, or bring a friend and give one a go.
You can also book services just for you:
Get a training programme that is created by our Level 4 Exercise students and tailored to your individual needs, followed by a walkthrough of how to do the programme safely.
Test your limits with 4 x strengths of your choice. Options include: squat, bench press, deadlift, vertical jump, and any other exercise of your choosing.
Stay on course and track your progress with skinfold testing, girth measurements, and a BMI calculation.
Please email Kieran McKendry at to book.
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki is part of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology Learn more
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